domingo, 17 de enero de 2016

CT for Bella Caribeña - Stan Dudin

~★•✿•★~ CT for Bella Caribeña - Stan Dudin ~★•✿•★~

Samantha is a beautiful & delicate kit completely inspired on Stan Dudin tube "Samantha". Combination tones of blues, pink. magenta & white. Lots of elements & papers to work with. Personal use only & Please don't share! 

Kit available at:
~★•✿•★~ Tiny Turtle Designs Store

~★•✿•★~ Mystical Scraps

~★•✿•★~ PicsForDesign

~★•✿•★~ Inspirations of Scrapfriends

~★•✿•★~ Wilma4Ever

~★•✿•★~ ScrapandTubes

~★•✿•★~ Digi-Divas

This beautiful tube Samantha by ©Stan Dudin is a gorgeous sensual, comes with multiple color layers and accessories. 
Stan Dudin tube available at:
~★•✿•★~ PicsForDesign

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